A Pixel Is Not A Little Square, A Pixel Is Not A Little Square, A Pixel Is Not A Little Square! (And a Voxel is Not a Little Cube.)
My purpose here is to, once and for all, rid the world of the misconception that a pixel is a little geometric square. This is not a religious issue.
This is an issue that strikes right at the root of correct image (sprite) computing and the ability to correctly integrate (converge) the discrete and the continuous.
The little square model is simply incorrect. It harms. It gets in the way.
If you find yourself thinking that a pixel is a little square, please read this paper.
I will have succeeded if you at least understand that you are using the model and why it is permissible in your case to do so (is it?).
Everything I say about little squares and pixels in the 2D case applies equally well to little cubes and voxels in 3D.
The generalization is straightforward, so I won't mention it from hereon1.
I discuss why the little square model continues to dominate our collective minds.
I show why it is wrong in general.
I show when it is appropriate to use a little square in the context of a pixel.
I propose a discrete to continuous mapping, because this is where the problem arises, that always works and does not assume too much.
I presented some of this argument in Tech Memo 5 (Smith95) but have encountered a serious enough misuse of the little square model since I wrote that paper to make me believe a full frontal attack is necessary. AI Scholar GPT.iconスミスは、ピクセルを「小さな正方形」として扱うのではなく、点サンプリングによる表現とすべきだと主張しています。具体的には以下のような提案がなされています:
ピクセルを小さな正方形として表示するのではなく、再構築フィルターを用いて画像を適切に再構築する方法が示されています。例えば、ガウスフィルターや窓付きシンク関数を用いることで、高品質な画像再構築が可能となります。 なるほどappbird.icon 概形はこんなことを話していそう